No scholarship quarterback in the 2015 recruiting class?
No big deal
No big deal
The players we have are all "young" and will experience a new staff. Fife, Stanton, Bush, and Armstrong give us what we need the next two years. Bringing in "your" guy next tear gives two years for that guy to grow into Coach Riley's system. I expect two recruits at QB next year.
Reply Replywith new staff and short recruiting time. Coach Riley will get his guy for 2016.
Reply ReplyWe have plenty of talent in the wings that when properly coached should excel. Anyone who says this staff has not handled recruiting well is a blubbering idiot.
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Right now the stable is full. One missed year shouldn't hurt that much. Besides we could be surprised on Wednesday.
Reply ReplyOur problem at QB is there are too many goods ones... now that's a problem I wish we could have forever.
Reply ReplyWe have good young QBs now and will surely get one (or two) next year. I'm far more worried about the LBs than the QBs.
Reply ReplyThe new coach does not know what offense he plans to run. So how do you pick a qb.
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Plenty of young QBs. Also a strong possibility of T.J. Green as a walk-on, which is kind of astounding. There were just a lot more pressing needs for this class.
Reply ReplySeems like we have plenty of them. If something happens to Armstrong, let's see what Johnny Stanton & A.J.Bush can do. Is Fyfe still around?
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Need a qb that will fit Riley's system.