Do you think there will be college football this year?
I think so
I don't think so
All it will take to discontinue season is a few ppl getting sick and dying from Covid. That'll be enough to end the season most likely.
Reply ReplyWe either have to be able to assure ourselves that everyone in the stadium is free of the virus, which requires testing and tracking, or we need a vaccine. Neither of these options seems likely.
Reply ReplyThe risk is too high for college students. If one player gets the virus, they all get it. That is just the way it is in college. The NCAA may love money but they are scared to death of angry parents.
Reply ReplyToo many jurisdiction to agree on a common directed health protocol. If a handful of states say no football everyone's schedules fall apart. Some teams play 10 games, while another plays 5???
Reply ReplyNo open campus because of the dorms. Lincoln doesn't have enough housing to replace dorms. No dorms because of Dining halls and communal bathrooms. Therefore, no sports.
Reply ReplyThe over-reactionary pansy academics will totally kill all fall sports. We'll be lucky to get baseball back next February.
Reply ReplyThe knuckle draggers that believe the world is out to get Trump will be the reason there will be no football. They are afraid of everything and will react accordingly if he loses in Nov.
Reply ReplyIt is really dependent upon a second wave and since Trump is not pushing for mandatory caution using masks and social distancing I fear we will be in midst of second or third wave.
Reply Reply
I think the true numbers will come out and this sham will be put to rest.
ReplyNothing like the biggest over reaction in world history.
ReplyThe Scamdemic won't be over but there's too much money to be lost. They'll find a way to make it happen even if there are no fans and required tests for all athletes and personnel every week.
ReplyWe need to start living life again. Can't stay shutdown forever.
ReplyWith the amount of money at stake and with the power that donors have, there is no way we won't have any games...
ReplyREVENUE $$$$$$
ReplyThe future of college football hinges on the continued revenue from TV. It may be too early to squeeze 85,000 fans into Memorial Stadium, but with proper and continuous monitoring of every player,
ReplyIt will not be a "normal" season but I do think they will figure out a way to salvage a part of the season - most likely without fans (ugh!) but at least they will generate TV revenue.