Did conservative second half play calling hurt the Huskers?
Yes, it was key
No, they had to
wayiam Starr
We needed to run the ball we didnt we did the wore out prem pass that they new wss Coming completely predictable
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Mick Hanson
Not, "they had to". Just if they couldn't execute the plays called, why could they execute the other ones? The offense got over confident and let it slide, with an eye on the score board.
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it was terrible
ReplyEveryone knows when in Boulder in the 4th quarter offensive possession is vital. Most all team's defenses wear down there if the offense can not run some clock. Our D wore out - plain and simple.
ReplyEntire team looked flat in the 4th quarter.
ReplyCU made adjustments - went to a 3 man front and widened the ILBs to counter our success on the edge. We did not. No interior run game with 1 less man.. No vertical game. Our O ran our D in the ground.
ReplyBecause we were running it when it clearly wasn’t working
ReplySome of the play calling was very questionable inn the second half of the game. Why did they not use their big tight ends more? I mean Austin Allen is 6 '8" tall so why isn't here using his available
ReplyFrost was calling the plays like he was trying not to lose rather than playing to win. Colorado Coach took Frost to school.
ReplySecond half adjustments by Colorado confused the entire team and coaching staff. Felt like they went conservative just to hold on and escape.
ReplySeems like we went into a shell - esp after Washington's long run off of the sideline flair pass. The next time we had the ball we did the exact play only to the other side. could've been a pick 6