Are you concerned about the players that have decommited or are in the portal?
College football has become a swinging door of opportunity. Don't let the knob hit ya, where the good Lord split ya!
Reply ReplyAmen Scott … probably should’ve never been playing for us in the first place then ! Who wants unloyal (especially Nebr. native) players anyway …. Can’t wait til kick their A$$ when we play against em ! lolololol
That's just part of the deal now with the portal, particularly after a coaching change. People may not care too much for it but we better all get used to it because it's not going anywhere.
Reply ReplyIf they enter transfer portal, they are not willing to work, and play tough. Let them go elsewhere
Reply ReplyThe new staff needs the freedom to get the players that will fit their system. The kids that leave or stay away are no guarantees either.
Reply ReplyRhule only wants young men who wish to be at Nebraska ... as simple as that.
Reply ReplyIt's the new era that College Sports is in. It happens to every team. It's like NFL free-agency free for all.
Reply ReplyThey chose to leave, and that's fine. We want players who want to be at Nebraska.
Reply ReplyCoach Rhule needs to build his own team. Players that transfer shouldn't be there anyway.
Reply ReplyThis is normal for a coaching change. I get it. But I do think that they'll regret leaving as time passes.
Reply ReplyWe will find other players who will want to play for Nebraska and all the new coaches! GO BIG RED TILL I DIE!!!!!
Reply ReplyIn the spring the head coach and assistants will start their work. They, in effect, will ride the horse upon which they came, the players on the field. It is up to the coaches to either develop those players or to fail. We will see the result in August.
Reply ReplyWith the coaching changes, its only prudent for players to re-evaluate their decisions to make sure its best fit for them. If I was a father of a player, i would encourage the re-evaluation process and if they re-commit, Great! Otherwise best of luck to both sides.
Reply ReplyNot as of today ( 12/15/22)...But time will tell..Ask us in another 3 weeks...
Reply ReplyI have a lot of confidence in Matt Rhule. And his ability to develop players.
Reply Reply
The Hausman departure really hurts.
ReplyOfcourse it’s concerning anytime a player leaves