Should we be worried about increasing coronavirus cases?

0.02% chance of dying from CV-19. While there are risks, the whole fear porn was dying of Covid. Even regular flu DR is lower than the main stream media says. side effects from the vaccines are worse than Covid side effects. Altering DNA #1 among them. Noone needs Covid/Flu vaxs not effective/unsafe
Reply ReplyWe did all the things we were told to do before, and it didn't stop Covid. Masks didn't help. Keeping kids out of school and closing down churches, etc., didn't help. Covid will be with us. We need to learn to live with it.
Reply ReplyI bought a pound of ground chuck and a case of beer yesterday, at a large supermarket. Because of the large number of other patrons, it was considered a Covid related incident. However I survived, but the ground chuck went down.
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Just because Gov Parson said MO is done does not mean that MO is done. My friend just died on Jan 28, 2002 of Covid. It is not over yet.