Should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade?
Dear God, it's a woman's choice! Plain and simple. Her body, her choice. No politician or SCOTUS has any right at all to tell a woman she can't have an abortion.
Reply ReplyGet informed..overturning doesn’t mean it’s being abolished…it means it goes back to the states…stop spreading lies
So a teenage girl gets pregnant from her uncle. A woman is raped and gets pregnant. A woman could die from giving birth... you'd make a woman go through 9 months of carrying a child from a heinous act or maybe die. That's cruel. Scotus ruled that way for a reason. Reason still the same now.
Let's not even debate whether a fetus is a human being, and accept it for now. A fetus requires the mother to use her organs for survival. Men aren't required to donate a kidney just because someone (even their child) needs it. People should not be required to sacrifice their body for somebody else.
Reply ReplyIt is a woman's right to choose. If one doesn't have a uterus, you keep your nose out of it.
Reply ReplyThere is the problem with this country now, the live and let live attitude, anything goes! Makes me sick!
Murder is as it states!
ReplyMen are women to. And I say, abolish murder in all forms. We need to make it illegal to murder any life, including plants.