Should prayer be allowed at public school sporting events?

The dissenting justices said school officials leading a prayer violates the constitution.
The dissenting justices said school officials leading a prayer violates the constitution.
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Mary Ricciotti
In a public school, there are various religious groups in one building. If there was a teacher or coach praying in front of their student there is a major possibility that that teacher or coach will shove their religious beliefs down another students throat. It’s fine to pray on their own time.
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Religious freedom is a foundational principle for the USA. Constitutional interpretation of that right of freedom of expression is monumental. Tebow was condemned for yrs for praying on the field, lost QB opps for that reason. Christian religious persecution is rampant & . SCOTUS defended. Awesome!
ReplyI'm glad this man stood up and won his case. He wasn't demanding or even asking his students/players to join him. He wasn't pushing his religious beliefs down anyone's throats.
ReplyIf they allow this, they will soon allow Drag Queen Story Time for K through grade 3. There used to be be 26 letters in the alphabet, now there are 62 genders in the alphabet. That is just another religion.
ReplyAs long as players and staff are not expected to take part if they don't want to. Religious freedom works both ways. If anyone is forced to 'pray' there's a problem.
ReplyPrayer should not be coerced. If one or more people want to join someone in praying, that's their right.
ReplyThis is a constitution defended right. He is not establishing a religion for the school nor forcing participation. That is simply the free exercise guaranteed by the constitution. It's insane that this wasn't a unanimous decision! Free exercise is being trampled on, crazy it went this far!
ReplyI can't wait to start my satanic worship group at the next school sponsored sporting event. Prayer ain't just for Christians you know? While we're at it, let's give space to our Muslim brothers and sisters for their prayer. This is great!