Should Donald Trump be allowed back on Twitter?

How can you let a man that for the first time in the history of this country try to destroy the elective process? I am putting Musk at his level because he wants Trump to continue destroying the country.
Reply ReplyJH no other country suffered as much as we did, and we were THRIVING. You're kidding yourself if you think Biden carries no blame
JH, You do realize our economy is suffering due to record overdose deaths, crime, and diseases due to Joe's total neglect of the Southern border. Did you drop out of school in your fifth year, or are you just a left leaning progressive?
If you think our economy is only struggling due to death and crime yet our unemployment rate is the finally back to its pre-pandemic trump presidency levels. Every advanced economy in the world is struggling. If all you can do is blame Biden like the idiots did Trump maybe you failed school.
Max you do realize that our economy survives on immigration due to seasonal workers and those who come here bringing their skills. Also our border patrol has been doing a great job stopping large numbers. Fentanyl is a failure of search and seizure. Also max lets act like an adult shall we
JH, 2 million people are coming in a year, many from countries from all over the world, and they are bringing Chinese fentanyl and diseases with them. Please educate yourself. You are embarrassing to a knowledgeable person.
Inflation agreed though its an international problem not just domestic. Borders are not just sitting widely open never have been. We are not being laughed at by the other countries of the world that happened back in 2018 at the UN.
We are experiencing the results of a cheated election today. Open borders, worst inflation in forty years, crime, being laughed at by 192 countries, and a host of other problems.
The First Amendment protects freedom of speech for everyone, not just those who follow the party line that you affiliate with.
ReplyFirst amendment rights. And if we get used to censorship we are at fault for letting that happen. Watch 2000mules.com movie and you will see truth of voter fraud. Never again will you say Buyden Won. The real President needs his account back. Donald J Trump.
ReplyWhat is a “Twitter?”
ReplyROTFLOL. Most people Love Trump!!!! Twitter was Socialist. No more. ROTFLOL
ReplyFreedom of speech