Have rising prices made a noticeable difference in your finances?

The price increases are not across the board, so their impact is felt differently depending on what consumers purchase.
The price increases are not across the board, so their impact is felt differently depending on what consumers purchase.
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Letitia DenHartog
The items that have gone up the most have not been things I needed yet, but I feel for my friends and neighbors who are being affected.
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Why would we expect anything less from this administration?
ReplyCaused by inflation, remember when we produced more energy than we used? Yes, that was six months ago.
ReplyStupid question. Of course higher prices on everything effects one's finances
Reply4 boards to replace on our deck was almost 5xs what it was last year. Fuel has doubled since Biden took office and groceries have doubled some have tripled
ReplyThe price rise in building materials has caused me to put off building a new house. When your on a fixed income higher prices effects your purchasing ability.