Do you feel like Interstate 70 in Columbia is dangerous?
John Reynolds
The road is fine. People are the problem. Using phones and not paying attention to the road and the traffic is what is dangerous.
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Fat Guy Outdoors
I see a lot of drivers who shouldn't be driving. It's like they are in their own little world.
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the barrier wall in the median is obviously not high enough... traffic speed is much higher than the posted speed limit
ReplyPolice allow speeds up to 75 mph way too much traffic for that. Need speed and lane restrictions for trucks. And I’m a truck driver saying that
ReplyBecause no one obeys the speed limit we was traveling I-70 yesterday morning and speed says 60 and if you go 60 you will get hit so people was going 70 - 80 through the stretch that says 60 . Tractor trailers like to cut people off like they did us yesterday. They think they rule the road .
ReplyThat stretch from stadium too Clark lane exit is very dangerous and deadly. People go too fast, and don't let people on. There is no room to just drive!
ReplyToo many dumb drivers that have no clue whose turn it is to go mixed with college kids that just got here for school and semi trucks that are just passing through. Add all of those together and what do you get? Decent amount of wrecks that's what.
ReplySo much traffic and everybody drives way to fast and doesn't pay attention!!!!
ReplyMy son fell off the overpass by Midway and nearly lost his life back in January of 23. It's a miracle that he's not dead or paralyzed