Do you blame President Joe Biden for high gas prices?

Biden supporters cite worldwide economic forces beyond the president's control, along with Russia's invasion.
Biden supporters cite worldwide economic forces beyond the president's control, along with Russia's invasion.
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Sharon Kelley EA
Profits are soaring for the oil companies, so I believe they are taking advantage of a pandemic on the one hand and starting/promoting antagonistic propaganda of other theories on the other.
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The oil companies make their profits by efficiently converting crude oil to other materials. Such as gas, diesel, chemicals used for plastics. The price of crude doesn't affect their profits. The land owner or country selling the crude oil gets the profit of high crude oil prices. Nice try though.
On day one of his being in office, Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline. He made us dependent on enemy nations for gas. Gas prices were going up before Russia invaded Ukraine. Biden is looking for a scape-goat.
ReplyPrices are based on supply and demand. While the global unrest has played a role, Biden has made the supply of domestic oil less with his policies. Gas prices were going up since he said he would not renew any additional drilling on US territory.
ReplyThe pipeline needs to be reopened. He has a tool very much within his reach to be able to stop the rising prices and provide relief at the pump to Americans. He is simply choosing not to use that tool to try to help America’s economy. Despicable!
ReplyHis energy mismanagement, has not only raised gas prices, but also all energy prices. It has additionally given money and power to Putin, which has enabled the invasion of Ukraine. His actions are also causing inflation, which is leading to a recession, and possibly another depression. FJB/LGB now..
ReplyBiden refuses to backtrack on Green Energy agenda to the demise of the working people of this country. He knows he's not going to be reelected, so he will do the will of the ones who will pay him the most and cover for his son's activities.
Replythe question of the day should be: why are we buying foreign oil when we have enough domestic oil?
ReplyIf you have a resource that makes your country energy independent, you fill strategic reserves, as you’re utilizing the America First to supply Americans first, then you sell your excess & make money for your home country so prices/taxes stay lower. When you buy an election, you get what you pd for!
ReplySelf explanatory, it would seem.
ReplyBecause the attempts by the media to lay blame elsewhere are disingenuous at best. Blatant lies at worst. Quit trying to instill your own narrative into your stories and people will start believing what you say again.
Replyhe completely destroyed my country on day one! he's a criminal and should be locked up!