Did you see the possible Chinese balloon over Missouri?
Max DeYoung
No, but fortunately Joe had it shot down after it had secured all of the data it was designed to find, and sent that info back to China. What rock did the dems find Joe Biden under?
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Yes I did and I think it should of been delt with before it crossed over the United States! Regardless what Biden wanted to wait it crossed over navel bases .
ReplySaw it. Took pictures of it. Looked at it with my telescope and saw the satellite deal hanging below it.
ReplyI saw SOMETHING about 9 p.m. near Puxico, Mo. It was a round shape and it was on fire descending from the sky. It finally burnt out and I guess it fell to the ground around what looked like Mingo/ Duck Creek conservation land. Just seems odd the whole U.S. saw the same 1 balloon...🤔