Are you worried that electronic surveillance is becoming too intrusive?
Lida Vitt
Because we need it to assist with catching the criminals to keep our community safer. Witnesses are afraid to come forward, and the police are short handed.
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Max DeYoung
The govt has facial recognition of all the domestic terrorists in Portland Or. but won't prosecute them, but will go after innocent mothers at school board meetings. Go figure, you may be the next one arrested. Your own words from three months ago. "Privacy concerns and government over reach!" LGB
I'm unsure, possibly Benjamin Franklin, said that once we begin giving up our liberties in the name of safety is the day democracy begins to die. Okay, so the words aren't 100% and I'm unsure who is "quoted",but we are headed in that direction. Im notcomfortable with camera etc4 poss future threat
ReplyFor obvious reasons, yes I am.