Are you worried about an economic downturn?
The Fed's chairman insists interest rate hikes are needed to cool down inflation.
The Fed's chairman insists interest rate hikes are needed to cool down inflation.
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Jack L
The economy is actually in pretty good shape except for some inflation. Oil is a global commodity and presidents have very little control of gas prices. Jobs are plentiful and grocery stores can`t get enough checkout operators because there are plenty of better paying jobs to be had elsewhere
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With rampant runaway inflation, high energy costs, people unwilling to work, and all of the other failures this administration has caused, it will be the only possible outcome.
ReplyAlways worried when Dems are elected.
ReplyBecause duh. Our country is in economic free fall and the Biden Admin caused it. Reopen the Keystone Pipeline, stop the flow of illegal immigrants, and have more pride in our country...but they are steering us to “accept less” one admin said don’t have pets they cost $. We need Trump back ASAP!
ReplyPoliticians are out for themselves not the people who hey are suppose to be serving
ReplyFraudulent election had nothing to do about the question of the day. Yes the right wing people keep throwing fraud out at every chance. Yet still no proof of it.