I try to minimize any changes in my electric bills. So I close shades and curtains to block out the sun and keep my thermostat at 77* in the summer. I run the dishwasher in the late evening and do laundry in the mornings.
Christmas should be white . It's just not the same !!!! You wouldn't want the 4th of July in winter ? Just Christmas should have snow it means clean !!!!
I try to minimize any changes in my electric bills. So I close shades and curtains to block out the sun and keep my thermostat at 77* in the summer. I run the dishwasher in the late evening and do laundry in the mornings.
ReplyI'm 86 years old and need the a/c on. Have it set so it is 78 in my apartment. Can't get out in the heat.
ReplyI keep the blinds/drapes pulled. Turn up the AC a few notches during the day while at work. Small steps to help the utility bill.
ReplyEveryone should look up operation Popeye that has to do with the weather.
ReplyI try to watch the AC usage to keep the electric bill as low as possible