Who Do You Trust with Foreign Policy?
Hillary Clinton has already shown us her foreign policy work - in Libya and in Syria. Both are disasters responsible for hundreds of thousands dead. One can only image what the human cost would be if she were to seize power for 4, or even 8 years.
Reply Replylet us hope the FBI white hats make their move for maybe even elements of the military, maybe General Dunfords men?? I think she should be one of the first to sample the glories of the FEMA holiday camp !!!
Strong business ties, and a life of negotiation makes him a natural "mover and shaker" also I think his background will be useful to see the economic and political aspects of a situation or sensitive event.
Reply ReplyMSM giving Trump bad coverage and pushing Clinton. MSM journalists are pathetic! If you dig a little deeper on Trump he has a fairly good grasp on things that is not neocon. The US corporate voting system is broke.
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Anyone but Killary. I think most Muslims who hate Trump want Killary because they support Syrian Rebels. You cannpt ignore Clinton's role from Benghazi to Syria, and if you read her emails on Wikileaks, she's not going to do anything for Palestinians. Opposition never have access to MI.
Reply ReplyHillary is locked into the neocon agenda and that is presently leading us into confrontation with Russia for no good reason except furthering globalist aims and US hegemony; likewise will continue with the policy of destabilizing all countries in the Muslim world and covertly funding terrorism.
Reply Replyfor the obvious reasons: Hillary's foreign policy is (in alliance with the Saud family and the other Arab royal families, as well as other U.S.-allied aristocracies) to conquer Russia, whereas Trump's foreign policy is to end jihadism, especially in America.
Reply ReplyI'm from the uk but so i dont now if i should vote on your poll, but i wish i could vote in your election seeing how much the USA foreign policy will affect me here, since the weasel Cameron will be complicit in any zionist agenda, i trust trump is less likely to go down the same path clinton wants
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I think it's sh!tty you've left Bernie Sanders out of this poll. That's something I'd expect from MSM, not 21st Century Wire. I would trust a can opener with U.S. Foreign Policy before I would trust Hillary Clinton with ANYTHING.
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How could we possibly vote for the authoritarian crime family member, war criminal. We'll take the unknown over the verified murderer.
Reply Replyfrankly, and as a Brit, I don't trust either of them but speaking from the gut, I have to say Trump.. sadly once these characters are elected then the men in dark suits take them into a back room, and do what they did to Jimmy Carter we are told.. apparently, afterward he was left in tears....
Reply ReplyClinton has a proven record of being a warmonger. Trump has said he would not fund NATO for other members and would have a dialogue with Russia. I believe the world will be a marginally safer place with Trump than Clinton.
Reply ReplyBetween these two at least. We know Hillary works for internationalists(CFR), as she herself has admitted.
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Putin & Russia. BRICS r the future. Ayn Rand, Gold backed currency, Gaddafi was resisting the Rothschild fiat failing banks enslaving Africa.
Reply ReplyTrump might not talk like a polished political hack, But he doesn't lie. He isn't doing this for personal gain. Hillary is in for the almighty dollar. Donald Trump loves America he will protect us.
Reply ReplyI think Trump is not a warmonger and hopefully can stand strong against the Neocons.
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I trust Hillary because she will be most predictable. Predictably bad, predictably a warmonger.