Who wins the Album of the Year Grammy?
Ariana Grande
Billie Eilish
Billie has done so much in the past two years..2019 was her best yet..she is genuinely ‘Billie’. that’s one of the many reasons her stans love her..i wish billie the best ALWAYS..love her the most🤍
Reply ReplyBillie eilish used music as a therapy and a way to release her emotions and people dont like but all they have to do is listen to the lyrics. shes worked very hard on this and it means alot to her
Reply ReplyBecause she so amazing like she got me thew my hard times like HARD it was tuff but somehow bille made it better her voice is calming and soothing it's so angelic and beautiful,shes a amazing person
Reply ReplyI love her she inspires me so much and her songs help me through my depression 💖
Reply ReplyI like her music and a lot of misunderstood or sad kids or adults can relate to it and it helps them get through stuff when other musicians can’t
Reply ReplyBillie is an amazing singer her album when we all fall asleep where do we go is wonderful and she has accomplished so much at a young age. Bad guy isn’t her only good song she has other songs try‘em
Reply Reply“When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?” is an album with songs that each were made for a different kind of person. Every song in there has at least one lyric that can touch someone’s heart and mind
Reply ReplyShe’s the best and greatest singer ever she inspires me every day and time i listen to her music
Reply ReplyHer music helps me so much. I love you Billie Eilish. Your music is like a piece of art.
Reply ReplyBecause she is my idol I will do anything for her to win best album of the year
Reply ReplyBecause she is the baddest and her songs help a lot of people including me and she is such an inspiration to me and others .
Reply ReplyI think Billie Eilish album was bigger this year then other artists so yeah.
Reply Replyi voted for billie eilish because, this was her first album and did amazing on it ! she’s only 18 years old and out-doing everyone !
Reply ReplyShe’s come so far and I think that there both amazing but I want Billie to win
Reply ReplyBecause she has the best song when u feeling down so Billie better win
Reply ReplyBillie is the best singer & deserves this more than anyone...each song hits you in a different way noone can beat her there are no words to explain how great she is 💙💙💙
Reply ReplyI love Bad Guy and I think that she is an amazing singer and really cool.
Reply Reply
She is amazing and talented she deserve this and more I love you Ariana
ReplyBecause I love Ariana Grande’s music
ReplyShe did good but I think Ariana grande is better and she is more known but Billie did good too
ReplyBecause Ariana works so hard on her albums and she deserves it more than anyone else
Replyariana grande is a goddess shes should win
ReplyBecause she’s amazing that’s why
ReplyIt’s her best album vocally and emotionally
ReplyCuz she deserves it she worked so hard after all she’s been thru Nd I love Billie but I also love Ariana I’m not gay but I love her music since I was lil she help me a lot.
ReplyI love her and she’s been through so much! The album speaks for itself, it shows how strong she is and still is becoming.
ReplyI was her fan for 6 years she deserves this!
ReplyAriana Grandes music is so different. She sings high notes in most of her songs and it is incredible. She interacts with her fans during concerts like I have never seen before. I love her so much.
ReplyAriana Grandes music is so different. She sings high notes in most of her songs and it is incredible. She interacts with her fans during concerts like I have never seen before. I love her so much.
ReplyAriana Grandes music is so different. She sings high notes in most of her songs and it is incredible. She interacts with her fans during concerts like I have never seen before. I love her so much.
ReplyBecause she is the boss her
ReplyShe is amazing and her vocal range is perfect. She has good voice control too. She is just perfect and her music can fit for anyone that is listening and her voice is so soft too. Billie is too quiet.
ReplyShe’s actually the queen of pop she’s heavenly talented and her album rlly popped off for her tour
ReplyI vote for ariana bc she deserves it after what’s she’s been through and she works hard to make her fans happy🥺
ReplyBecause she fucking awesome
Replyobviously Ariana is the OG of pop music honestly and I get it that billie is new but NO ONE compares to the queen herself Ariana periodt
ReplyCause she’s better and she deserves it more.
ReplyAriana has gone through so much not to mention the attack in Manchester as well as the dead of her ex Mac Miller. She didn’t hide away and kept to her self, she came back EVEN harder she deserves this
ReplyShe is an amazing vocalist and her tour was the most successful tour yet, she deserves this so so much.
ReplyShe been through a lot. Also thank you next helped me go through some tough times ❤️ And she really deserves this award!
ReplyShe is so amazingly talented and I lover her so much! She is so kind and nice. And funny but cute :3
ReplyI voted for queen Ariana because she is gorgeous with an amazing voice that I grew up hearing from the moment I watched victorious on tv to now. Ariana has come a long way since I’ve first seen her 💖
ReplyHer album was just so raw and real It was a masterpiece
ReplyAriana’s thank u next album was one of her most deep and emotional albums. Shes gone through so much in the time the album was made. She got through it and was better than ever and she came to serve.
ReplyShe’s the best!!!!!! I love her so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
ReplyI LOvE Ariana she is everything I don’t even have to explain
Replycuz she da best period
ReplyBecause she has been working hard and I adore her so much and I loved her music since the beginning.
ReplyBecause she is pretty, amazing, and she just deserves it. Hope you win Ariana!! I’m voting for u
ReplyAriana is a very good artist her album was not one way it had everything. She has been snubbed of so many awards this should not be snubbed too
ReplyAriana is such an amazing and talented woman. She always gets through whatever life puts her through and no matter what she Will always love her fans💕
ReplyHer songs are meaningful to a lot of people around the world especially the album thank you next. That album can make people who are going through tough times feel like they have someone with them
Replybecause ariana has been through very tough times during the past few years to deserved the be happy and to be awarded this amazing award
ReplyUh do I even need to explain? ARIANA GRANDE PERIOT
ReplyBecause Ariana deserves it. she’s been through a lot and she worked really hard for this album.
ReplyShe is everything.
Replybecause it was such a personal album for her and she really deserves this one and i get it that billie is new and this and that but ariana really deserves this one
ReplyHer album is just so amazing with every feeling compacted into one amazing album. I felt so connected to her compared to her other albums. Love her💖
ReplyShe is amazing and so talented. I love her ❤️
ReplyThank u next was not only very good but it was what pop culture needed.
ReplyAriana deserves it sooo much more she has been through so much and tried sooo hard on her music and her swt world tour doing 97 shows
Replyariana grande is a very talented singer & deserves the award
ReplyBecause it’s Ariana Grande. Hello
ReplyI support Ariana 100% . As well as her album was such a huge impact in 2019 as well as this new year but the album has so much significance and deserves to be put out as album of the year .
ReplyBc she’s an amazing singer I love all her songs and she’s one of the best singer I ever heard
ReplyThe album had more emotions
ReplyCause she’s a queen.
ReplyAriana’s album is amazing , catchy and her voice is just wow and I think she should win , she want it she got it 😂
Replyshe’s the queen of all music 🤍🥺
ReplyI think that Ariana really wanted us to feel a connection to her album and something that can help and relate us too.
ReplyShe is a true wonderful women, she made history by having a #1 song over two weeks
ReplyShe’s so talented
Replyi voted for ariana grande because she deserves it. she has been though many things in her life and she depends on her music/albums. She puts all of her heart to her fans and her Courier.
ReplyShe has been in the game longer than Billie(no offense) bit I personally rock with Ariana better. No tea, No shade, No pink lemonade ❤️❤️
ReplyShe shows range and beauty with every song and album she produces. Her emotions shine through with every lyric!!!
ReplyI voted for Ariana grande because she the sweetest person and I’m a huge fan of her music and she deserves it she worked hard not saying Billie doesn’t but I prefer Ariana music than Billie
ReplyShe’s gonna win because she is that bitch and that’s on periodt. She is the queen that can never be overthrown and that’s just on Grammy awards. The only competition she has is herself periodttt pooh.
ReplyCause she one of the best persons out there and when I feel down I listen to her music and it teaches me I gotta fight through it jus like she did with Mac millers death and she is just amazing too❤️❤️❤️
ReplyShe is the queen of pop. I mean I love Billie and all, but Ariana’s vocals always make my jaw drop.
Replybecause i love her music and it is always on when I am listening to music and she is one of my al time favorite singers ! I love you Ari !
Replyafter all she’s been thru and she still realesed something so good...she deserves it, plus billie js started her career she will def win it later into her career
Replyariana grande deserves the world , shes talented , she’s so sweet and pure , she has a kind soul , I love her sm 🥺🥺
ReplyBecause she went through the most heartbreaking and tragic part of her life and the fact that she dropped another album is just amazing . She deserves this so so much
ReplyI voted for Ariana because whenever I’m stressed her songs helped me and she deserves it for working so hard
ReplyI voted for Ariana Grande because she is an amazing women and she really brings anxiety in her songs which helps me know that a lot of people go through it but we will be alright.
ReplyBecause she is a strong female artists that shows amazing talent and deserves to win. She has an amazing voice that brings inspiration and amazing talent.
Replybecause she has a lot of great songs and has won many awards for her music
ReplyShe deserves it. She worked so hard and went through a lot. She wrote 2 albums in the space of like 5 months. And she has been trough so much. She deserves it. She never gave up! She’s amazing!❤️❤️🥰
ReplyI voted for her because I love her songs! They can be really relatable and describe your mood but can also really hype you up! Plus her high notes are the best
ReplyAriana Grande has amazing vocals and on her sweetener world tour she preformed all her songs the best ever! she such a strong fan base and deserves best album soo much! she should win by a landslide!!
ReplyAriana has been through so much and has been through a lot of pain. She struggled to get where she is today, had lots of ups and downs, and been through a big breakup. She definitely deserves a reward
ReplyShe’s is inspiring to other and creates a lot of love around the world with her and her music
ReplyShe makes true art. She’s happy and hopeful. She’s discovered her true self. Her passion taught her so much. She’s the true meaning of beauty and elegance. That’s why Ariana Grande deserves to win.
ReplyShe really deserves it I like Billie but Ariana has worked very hard and she deserves the award
ReplyI vote because Ariana is the quennnnnn of music I love you ari and I have nothing to say but people please bottle for ARIANA GRANDEEE🪐🌹
ReplyFirst off she does not use that much auto tune and she is good at singing and she has been through some things. And thank you next has a lot of goods songs that she work hard on and she is a queen👑
ReplyBecause she’s really talented and creates good music
ReplyShe has always been my inspiration since I was 10, (yours truly album) and I’m 16 now lol. She deserves everything that she has grasped herself along the years and works hard to make her fans happy.
Replyshe iss A VIBE
ReplyI love her and her song ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️