How will selling alcohol at Memorial Stadium affect the game-day experience?
Enhances fan enjoyment
Could lead to issues
First OFF, I love BEER. I know beer was in stadium pre covid, when thermos, etc were allowed. Often folks showed up drunk. BUT it was not a big problem (student section, etc.) But alcohol has gotten me into trouble and expect it to do the at games. Boo - wait til after game.
Reply ReplyI hate the idea of alcohol in Memorial Stadium. It will just lead to obnoxious drunks.
Reply ReplyI'm worried college games will resemble NFL games, with belligerent, vulgar fans everywhere you turn. College games need to remain a family-friendly atmosphere, where parents shouldn't be hesitant to take children.
Reply ReplyI'm worried college games will resemble NFL games, with belligerent, vulgar fans everywhere you turn. College games need to remain a family-friendly atmosphere, where parents shouldn't be hesitant to take children.
Reply ReplyI"m not looking forward to it. I already have people sitting around me that either come snockered or bring their little bottles of booze and bother us or even opposing fans by making smart remarks to them. It will not make things better. Dennis
Reply ReplyBooze seems to make some people speak before they think. I would guess they will have to increase their security guards and purchase more zip tie cuffs.
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Nebraska is far behind the 8 ball here. If it is measured i anticipate this will help retain more attendance in to the second half. especially if the game is not competative.
ReplyHalf the fun of attending games is watching all the other ppl make fools of themselves!