They all should be given compensation and restitution for having their lives destroyed, many jailed without even a trial. Unfortunately, the money (millions) to do this has already went to the criminal Biden family on behalf of donations to Ukraine, via the taxpayers.
Because as the old saying goes you commit a crime you do the time. The only reason that they're getting off is because their president is a criminal as well and he's blind and he got away with the crime as well
Àny person who entered the capitol during that riot is guilty of trespass and property destruction. Anyone who attacked law enforcement officers is guilty of assault on an officer. To blanket pardon these people is a slap in the face to the rule of law.
Absolutely not. Law enforcement officers were badly injured and some murdered. In many committed suicide after the incident. The video speak for themselves of the horror that they created on that day.
Absolutely NOT! Ukraine needs more billions while we ignore our own people. More inflation, prices aren't high enough. More Russia, Russia, Russia misinformation,
More weaponized government agencies, more legacy of shame for foreign policy blunders, last but not least, we must kill medicare.
I prefer a leader who is honest, pays their bills, is not a felon is a person of faith, can be a diplomat, is straight forward, chooses to surround themselves with people smarter than them, is faithful….. well you get the picture. I hope our republic survives, constitution intact.