Commented "I dont have anything against flying it but I'm in a an apartment and it's never been something I put thought into. Most of the time I dont even notice holidays until I try to order food."
Commented "There should be a 3rd option. I like to be out, at the beach or hiking in a national park, paddleboarding or with my camera. It does not have to be bars vs couch. I'd pick couch over a bar though 😁"
Commented "I married my middle school sweetheart, for love. Marrying for money sounds exhausting. We've worked together to create wealth in the meantime. "
Commented "For utility, showers... but there is room for both. Baths are nice for soaking sore muscles and relaxing. I'll usually finish a nice soak with a quick shower."
Commented "It is not something I'd ever feel comfortable doing. That is for the parent to decide. If the child is out of control and the parent wont do something, I'll just try and avoid them. It isnt my place."
Commented "I live in a very expensive city and like most others, I trade the majority of my waking hours for money to help myself survive, I cannot afford to give my money away."