Do you prefer to take baths or showers?
For utility, showers... but there is room for both. Baths are nice for soaking sore muscles and relaxing. I'll usually finish a nice soak with a quick shower.
Reply ReplyI just feel cleaner with a shower. Tubs are ok for a hot soak but I just feel like whatever I am washing off is still floating in the tub.
Reply ReplyShowers are more sanitary. The dirt washes away from the body and down the drain. Bath water stays around you. Ick!
Reply ReplyFeel so much cleaner with a shower. If I was going to take a bath, I would do it after the shower and basically it would be just to relax, not get clean. A bath to wash is soaking in dirty water.
Reply ReplyI do not want to sit in my own filth. It's just so gross to me. If I need to soak my sore muscles, I take a shower first, then a hot bath. lol
Reply ReplyI feel baths are relaxing but you're laying in dirty water. I always take a shower after a bath to prevent UTI and just get the soap scum off of me.
Reply ReplyI prefer to take a shower 99% of th time because it is more efficient. But I do love a hot bath when it’s cold outside. I feel so relaxed and I think it helps me to sleep better.
Reply ReplyAs a senior citizen, it is just easier stepping into and out of a shower than a tub.
Reply Reply
Nothing better than relaxing in the tub with a good book.
ReplyI think the only reason I voted for this is I rarely ever have time to soak in the tub so it's a luxury when I get to.