Will you miss fireworks in your neighborhood?
Yes, I will!
No, I won't!
I don't miss it because of our fire danger.
I don't miss it because of our fire danger.
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Jennifer Barton
They are an unnecessary and wasteful form of entertainment. They are often a PTSD trigger for many combat veterans. They are a sensory trigger for people on the autism spectrum.
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Lilly Aschoff
Protecting our land, wildlife, and fellow humans with sensitivity to explosions is by far more important than the entertainment of the few.
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Bob Ingram
They are dangerous and many people that use them are disrespectful towards other people AND their property.
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Why not just kill every tradition we have.
ReplyYes I will miss the enjoyment of our neighborhood getting together in the street with simple fireworks for the kids, remembering and talking about our Independence and why we support and practice this event.
ReplyI don't see how fireworks will cause a fire if they are done in a parking lot with no trees around, stupid ban by a liberal unpatriotic city council