What do you think of current 2020 presidential candidates?
As for Democrats:
As for Republicans:
It is my greatest hope that someone with some common scenes runs against Trump. I would like to see someone organize the public to force Congress to change it's ways. such as setting term limits.
Reply ReplyAgain, I will have to vote for Trump, as like the last election, the other choices are unthinkable.
Reply Reply
He is better then the socialist democrats running for president look at venezuela
Reply ReplyWhy do you fools think Venezuela is socialist? Because Trump told you so? Look to the Nordic countries, or do some research on the history of America, and socialism. Think for yourselves for a change
Gabe you are right. Brain washed Bernie followers think the Nordic countries are socialist. They are not. Social democracy is totally different from democratic socialism, i.e. Bernie socialism.
Would rather vote for a rock than the idiot in the gray house who has done more than any other individual to destroy what America stands for-God save us all from this moron and another four years...
Republicans have turned into a cult and are evil and only care about themselves
ReplyThe right is so ignorant they think Venezuela is a socialist country. They never look at the success of the Nordic countries. Low IQ voters may once again give us trash like Trump, hope not.
ReplyI like tim ryan; beto orourke; and Biden, the latter only because he has the best chance of beatingTrump. Basically, anyone who can beat T is who I suppport. Not the year of the woman, unfortunately.
ReplyThey are terrible. From what the media shows Democrats do not respect our system any longer
ReplyThere's way too many in the preliminary debates. I think it's going to confuse voters in the early stages, and divide the party as a whole.
ReplyAnybody would be better than Trump, Democrat or Republican!
ReplyWhat a circus! Bunch of socialist hypocrites! They will say anything they think their base wants to hear knowing it will never happen. The green new deal...a 97 trillion dollar joke!