Should neighborhoods require residential parking passes?
Yes, for safety
No, too overbearing
Requiring parking permits on residential streets is silly. There's no reason to make homeowners or renters deal with all those extra rules or face tickets over miscommunications...
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Requiring parking permits on residential streets is silly. There's no reason to make homeowners or renters deal with all those extra rules or face tickets over miscommunications or visitors.
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Leslie Ann
These people live there, pay enough property taxes. They SHOULD NOT have to pay taxes to live there!!!
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Dave Voiles
Another dumb idea. The only people that will make out on that deal are those who are collecting the fees! You don't have to think very hard to see that slippery slope.
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Sandra Woll
I've lived in placed requiring permits.... It becomes a real hassle for residents to apply for themselves & guests. Also, Visitors to the city have no choice but to park in already overcrowded areas.
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Of course! If you live in SISTERS you know the difficulty with getting into your own driveway on ANY given weekend with all the festivals, venues,etc......and all the out of area spandy pant cyclists