Should Measure 114 still go into effect?
No it is backwards. It will create major problems for police to initiate, it will not stop any gun violence. It is pro criminal and against honest citizens. Criminals and crazy kids will not obey any gun laws. Gun free zones are in realty a target rich environment. We need more concealed carry.
Reply ReplyI say no to this because the gun are not the issue. It's the folks that are able to get them. There's gotta be another way to get control something like stronger fredral background checks if we let the federal government get full control of us having guns we won't have guns at all. So let's vote
Reply ReplyNot only is it against our rights but guns are not the problem. The left liberals that defunded police, allowed riots, decriminalized drugs, do not hold criminals accountable are the problem. Until those responsible are voted out of office, nothing will change.
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Rights need to be coupled with a responsibility to everyone in a community.