Should Deschutes County be required to provide abortion coverage to employees?
tax payers should not be paying for what is essentially an elective procedure. Abortion is not healthcare unless the life of the expectant mother is in jeopardy.
Reply ReplyThey already covered abortions in situations of rape, incest, or for medical reasons. Now, they're required to cover abortions when it's simply a want and not a need. If it's not medically necessary (or in the case of rape or incest) then it shouldn't be covered by medical insurance.
Reply ReplyIt is a personal responsibility if you get pregnant so it is also your responsibilty if you choose abortion which means you pay ...not taxpayers !
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No, abortion is murder even if the child is unwanted.and hurts the women, taxpayers should not be paying for it
Reply ReplyAbortion shouldn't be taken lightly and used as a form of birth control, especially with taxpayer dollars.
Reply ReplyAbsolutely not. Abortion is not women's health, it is not contraception, it is factually taking a human life period.
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Abortion IS healthcare.