If you had the choice, would you pump your own gas?
I'm an attendant. I doubt I'd lose my job if self-serve was law, but I don't want to roll that dice. I have the resume to work for higher-paying companies-I have before-but this company is the only one I've found willing to give me the time off I need for my non-college training for my dream career.
Reply ReplyI work on cars 5 days a week so sometimes i don't like to smell like gas. I got my start pumping gas. Also, after working all day, i don't always have the energy to pump my own gas. And my dear wife has no idea how to pump gas and has no desire to know, so she shouldn't be forced to.
Reply ReplyThe push for this legislation seems more rooted in the benefit to station owners rather than the general public. If passed, prices won't be any lower at the pump. Besides, not pumping your own gas is pretty great.
Reply ReplyI have found throughout history that self pumping does not lower gas prices. I prefer not to pump my own gas.
Reply ReplyThere is no benefit to me to pump my own fuel. I do not want smelly hands. If they get rid of the Attendants prices will not go down. We need to keep it the way it is. There is no shortage of people who want to work at a gas station. There is also no shortage of greedy station owners.
Reply ReplyI do NOT want to pump my own gas. Keep the jobs for those who are in need of it.
Reply ReplyPeople need jobs and the few pennies per gallon it costs to pay them to pump gas is irrelevant. Most people waste that much on junk food every day. Gas tax in Oregon is about $.56-.58 a gallon. Gas prices fluctuate so much it makes little difference what it costs to give someone a job.
Reply Reply
There's no choice in most of southern California. Yet even in the 70s I did so before they removed serviced gas stations. This is only a sign of commercial greed. No service, no need to pay for the attendant employees.
ReplyWould be quicker to pump my own.have one lane for those that need help or who doesn't want to get out and pump their own
ReplyI already do. Since the state passed a law a while back for come counties I have been. They also did it again for the whole state during 2020 because of COVID and that ruling was never repealed. Allot of people don't know that but the gas stations do so they don't care if I do.
ReplyIt is easy! I would be faster than the slow, overworked guy who spills gas on my car.
ReplyYes definitely, I prefer to, I always help the attendant and take the nozzle out myself so they do not spill any gas on my rigs!
ReplyI've pumped my own gas all my life until I moved here in 2018. Waiting in line for someone to do something I'm capable of doing is inefficient. As long as it doesn't cost job loss, I'd rather do it myself.
ReplyAbsolutely!. It would get done in a more efficient way and more carefully because I care about my own rig and don't want the gas dripping on the paint.
ReplyAbsolutely!! I have lived in other states for 65 years and always had to pump my own gas and I prefer it because it speeds things up. It makes for a much slower process having to wait for attendants to finish with 1 - 2 cars ahead of you when you could be doing it yourself!! Good to have the choice!
ReplyIn Culver we usually do since we have 1 gas station and they only have 1 person working the store.