Do you want to be able to pump your own gas?
I'm 82n& those days are over for me!! Why not have 1 full service pump, for those that need ii!! It also take jobs away for some that need it!!
Reply ReplyMost states have 2 different prices for self service or full service. And that cuts down on pumps for full service and or self service. And the question I have is how many jobs would be lost. If they went to full self service
Reply ReplyThat would continue be illegal here, just as it is now in the 18 Oregon counties where self-serve is currently allowed.

I know how to pump my own, did it for decades. I'm in good physical shape and am very capable of getting out into the weather. I. Just. Don't. Want. To.
Reply ReplyI don’t want to get out of my car in the winter weather, when I’m dressed up & on my way to a special occasion or when I’m in another State and have no clue the rules!! I don’t want all those those employees to lose their jobs. We’re getting rid of so many workers for robots, it’s too much.
Reply ReplyIt is a pleasure to have someone pump my gas. I have see way too many accidents by people pumping their own gas. For safety and employment I think we should still have gas station attendants.
Reply ReplyWe should adopt a No self-serve policy nationwide. With approximately 135,000 convenient store gas stations in the US alone that could potentially create 270,000 jobs. This could put selective homeless people back to work.
Reply ReplyOr we could close down all the Home Depot's and Lowes' to create thousands for more contracting jobs. Makes as much sense as this idea.

Why would anybody want to pump there own gas in the bad weather plus it provides jobs
Reply ReplyThere are no shortage of manual labor jobs in Bend. In fact, businesses here close every week due to lack of staffing. Please stop clutching your pearls over jobs…
Reply Reply
Yes, that way I don't have to worry about someone spilling gas on my rig. But some credit card devices on the pumps can be difficult. So having someone to help at times in necessary.
ReplyWe should not need to change the time anymore. The most important question is whether we should stay at standard time or daylight savings time. As Arizona and Hawaii have been very successful with staying at standard, so should the rest of the country.
ReplyDo it all the time.
ReplyI already do, when I'm in one of the 18 counties where it's allowed. Much faster, and I don't have to worry about someone dribbling gas or dinging my paint job. I should be able to do it in Bend.
ReplyHow about letting us have a choice. Many stations don't have enough help, resulting in longer waits than necessary. Give us a choice!!
ReplyI think it should be an option. A lot if gas stations in redmond that are significantly cheaper have huge long lines because they don't have enough staff.
Replybecause it would save money