Do you think water rates should go up during droughts?
Yes, conserve water!
No, we all need it!
Everyone requires water to survive, so it should not be sold on a premium, despite supply.
Everyone requires water to survive, so it should not be sold on a premium, despite supply.
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Bill Hulings
If we're rationed we might not have sufficient water to keep trees alive. Grass and bushes or whatever can be replanted. At Great expense but trees need lots of years to come along and just letting le
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Dave Voiles
Why would you purposely put people that are financially stressed under more financial stress? The only people that benefit are the water companies. How dumb is that??
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WinterCreek Restoration
No, because conservation efforts should be consistent whether or not there's a drought. Only working to educate the public when there's a drought (defined by whom?) is minimally effective.
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It is important