Do you think ID of gun purchases would make a difference in preventing shootings?
If gun purchases are being tracked by credit card info a person who wants to kill will either use cash or obtain what they want through illegal channels. The only thing this data collection will do is is punish legal sellers and owners
Reply ReplyThey have already been doing that for years. You have to show ID and fill out paperwork before you can buy a gun,
Reply Replyby definition, criminals break laws. Laws only infringe on law abiding Americans and it makes them more unsafe as it can only hinder a persons ability to protect themselves.
Reply ReplyAbsolutely NOT! It is absurd! What we need to do is bring Godly values and teaching. This is one nation under God, not one nation under the Democrats soft on crime and hard on citizens policies! The border is an unmitigated disaster, the Afghanistan stupid pullout was treasonous. Vote the Dems out!!
Reply Reply
I think anything will help.
ReplyI'm not sure this would help
ReplyDoesn't even begin to do enough, but anything to start taking on the cowards at NRA
ReplyIt would be a start.