Do you think business owners should refrain from making political statements?
Enough of all this black balling businesses because some peoples feelings got hurt. Enough of the wokeness!!!!!!!!
Reply ReplyOur country was founded with freedom of speech. We've gotten to the point where if someone disagrees with someone else, that person ( or business) should be punished for thinking or speaking differently. That's just wrong.
Reply ReplyOwners are citizens and have a right to express their opinions. That said, they need to be ready for both support and opposition.
Reply ReplyNo. The problem is that if you are a left wing lunatic and you let your crazy ideas and beliefs be known you will be welcomed by the left and the media. But if you have conservative views and beliefs that are based on well thought out truths you will be slammed and called a bigot. Speak the truth.
Reply ReplyThey have the right to express what they want. But if they support something I don't they'll most likely lose my business.
Reply ReplyBusiness owners are citizens, and often some of the most important since they provide jobs. But one must be prudent in how they make their comments. Customers have the right to not patronize anyone they don't like. I do believe politically-motivated false ratings are awful.
Reply Reply
They are just shooting themselves in the foot, no matter what they say, a group or groups of people will boycott them hurting the business, its stupid!
ReplyThey should remain neutral!
ReplyI actually wanted to vote no. It seems that it's ok to say whatever you want to say if you are certain race or sex. But, if you are a Caucasian that knows what sex you are, and are attracted to the opposite sex, then you are looked at as racist and hateful if you don't agree with what's happening.
ReplyA lot of businesses no longer get my business because of their political views being flashed everywhere. Some things should be kept to yourself if you want a thriving diverse business!
ReplyTo protect themselves.
ReplyNo they should so people know who to support