Do you think a pedestrian overpass on the Bend Parkway should be a top priority?
Yes, it's important!
No (comment what should be a priority)
I don't think this is a top priority. There's other things more important like homelessness, affordable housing and etc.
I don't think this is a top priority. There's other things more important like homelessness, affordable housing and etc.
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Scott Albert
The speed limit should be 55 and there should be NO STOPLIGHTS!!! What's the point of a bypass if you have to stop. Again, a little common sense!
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Robert Northrup
I assume it would cost millions of $ and people will still cross in areas they shouldn't. Why are there sidewalks along the Parkway? Remove the sidewalks and fence it like they do along major highways or accept the fact that people will still cross it and die.
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Kenneth Emmrich
Don't cross the Parkway where there is no crosswalk. It is for vehicles. Crossing the Parkway will result in a thinning of the herd. For all of you atheists out there it is called "survival of the fittest".
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Yes this should have been done long time ago a waste of time and money put in crosswalks on freeway someone got head up there ***
ReplyIf nothing else we need to make a huge effort to slow traffic down to about 45 MPH at China Hat Rd. If there is no funding for a pedestrian overpass add several warning lights indicating congestion.
ReplyDo you think a persons life is important? How many have to die or be injured before you give the crossing higher importance?
ReplyIt should be the first priority not another round about
ReplyYes it is extremely important, lives should be very important. Roundabouts are not a necessity, pedestrians safety over a major highway should be first before another stupid roundabout!
ReplyHIGH Traffic makes it a manditory pedestrian safety issue.