Do you tend to give gift cards or specific items as gifts?
Gift cards always!
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People love to choose how to spend their money, and may not always know what they want around the holidays. Gift cards are a great way to say 'I'm thinking of you, and I want to...
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People love to choose how to spend their money, and may not always know what they want around the holidays. Gift cards are a great way to say 'I'm thinking of you, and I want to treat you', without gambling on a gift they may not like or use.
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I'd rather buy gifts
I'd much rather put thought into a specific gift or experience that's tailored to the person I'm shopping for. Gift cards can seem so...impersonal sometimes!
I'd much rather put thought into a specific gift or experience that's tailored to the person I'm shopping for. Gift cards can seem so...impersonal sometimes!
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Cynthia Wolfe
I know what my family likes and I try very hard throughout the year to find things that will bring them joy/make them smile. they know how much I love them! I want to find that THING that shows it!!!
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