Do you have student loans?
Yes, I have student loans.
No, I don't have any.
I was fortunate because I didn't have to take any loans out or I finished paying them off.
I was fortunate because I didn't have to take any loans out or I finished paying them off.
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John Philo
Pay back what you borrowed and own your debt. Don't cheat someone else by not paying what you owe.
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Judy Ostrom-Dixon
Nope...worked my way thru college. I am for college costs coming down, but no no no for free college!
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Michael Miller
I was fortunate enough to be able to work my way through school....in a mill.
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Ya. And I'm 62 on disability and because i don't qualify for food Stamps they won't help me! Really is an awful delimma!
ReplyYep, and I intend to pay them back as I'm able. That's what I agreed to do when I took out the loan. <No interest is nice though>
ReplyHusband has Student Loans at age 57. We will be paying on them until we die.
ReplyYa try almost 90k. I will never pay them off in my lifetime.