Do you have a garden where you grow your own food?
Yes! (comment below what you grow)
No, I don't have space.
I live in an apartment complex where I can't plant my own garden.
I live in an apartment complex where I can't plant my own garden.
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Teresa Parsons
I would love to have my own garden, but I don't even have a home because of the outrageously high home prices because of all the greedy sellers.
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Herbs like parsley, basil, oregano and such. Vegetables mostly tomatoes and zucchini but trying several others.
ReplyTomatoes,Jerusalem artichokes, any thing I want really! We have really good ground!!
ReplyWe grow close to a half acre vegetabke garden almost every year. We grow corn , peas ,tomatos, peppers, potatoes, carrots, grean beans, beets, zucchini and crook neck sqash, cucumbers, spinach, cabbage, onions, radishes , peppers, cilantro, pumpkins, sunflowers, etc.
ReplyGrow mostly root crops. Building a green house shortly!! I live in La Pine & we get frosts all year round!!
ReplyThey taste so much better and no chemicals, I use only organic fertilizer and things like lady bugs and praying mantis to control pest.