Do you donate money at the cash register when shopping?
Yes, I try to
No, I never do
I don't opt to do this because I'm typically not ready to donate when I'm out and about running errands.
I don't opt to do this because I'm typically not ready to donate when I'm out and about running errands.
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Robert Mckheen
I already have a place l give to and l know where and what it's used for.
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George Pearson
I contribute to charities in many ways, but never add my $ to the total on that BIG CHECK handed in the name of Panda Express, or whomever. I once donated $1 @ McDs, and the receipt listed newspaper!
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Sam Ackerman
Do a little research on these "worthy" causes. The small percentage of the collected money they goes to helping others is a joke.
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Rounding up is so easy. If everyone did it, think of the money that would be collected for worthy causes.