Do you agree with Deschutes County's RV time limits on private property?
Yes, I support this code!
No, they shouldn't have a time limit!
If RVs can park on public streets, with garbage, waste, junk, etc all around them and on the streets, block traffic forever why would you limit them on private property. The county should focus on that instead of going after a a RV on private property , Disgusting to evict from private property.
Reply ReplyPrivate property. Housing shortage. Multi-generational co-habitation. Homelessness.
Reply ReplyLack of affordable housing, if you are a single person with an average wage job it is far to expensive to rent a house. I know a lot of people that live in RV's full time. And I do not think it should be up to anyone but them how long they live in them.
Reply ReplyThey have no right to tell a person who can and who cannot live on their property.
Reply ReplyIt should be up to the owner/taxpayer, law abiding citizen! Squatters have more rights than owners! It's absolutely ridiculous!! This needs to change, especially in today's economy.
Reply ReplyPeople should be able to do what they want with their own property that they own & pay taxes on.
Reply ReplyTo me it's just another way some are trying to stomp out those less fortunate than themslves because they feel these people and their ways of trying to survive with dignity cause them and the communities we live in look bad because they can't aford things as nice as they have. So sad.
Reply ReplyThis is an elderly woman that has done no wrong. She should be Grandfathered in because of the amount years she has lived there.
Reply ReplyMaybe the property owner can get a "hardship permit'?? What "good " neighbor turned her in?? We had a similar problem, a few years ago. We had our RV stored on the back of our property & got turned in!! Police came out twice to see!! They told our "neighbor" to leave us alone!!
Reply ReplyBecause there are to many homeless people right now and lots live on private property in RV's because they can't afford to rent or buy a house and I think it should be up to the land owner/ rent who stays on the property with them.
Reply ReplyIt's private property and they should decide if they (the owners) want her there
Reply ReplyAs long as they are not dumping black water, no problem. Private property is just that, private. There is also a difference between 1 RV and an RV park, private property is not a park!!!!
Reply ReplyWith housing so hard to find, and for many so hard to even afford I think people should be allowed to live in motorhomes/trailers with no time limits. For some this is their only option.
Reply Reply
I tried to find the actual Deschutes County Code that regulates RV time limits on private property, to no avail, so I don't know when it went in to effect. The person of interest has been in this situation for two decades, and should be excluded from the code due to a grandfather clause.
ReplyWe have most laws for common sense reasons. Unfortunately in recent years we seem to have people who have no common sense making laws. And governments that determine which laws they will enforce and which they will not based on political views.