Do e-bike safety measures need to be increased?
Tracy Evans
It's up to the parents to tell their kids what the rules are. If the parents don't know then they should look it up. I see kids riding their bikes on the side walks all the time. Doesn't make it right.
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Both E-Bikes and Pedal Bikes need more control by Bend Police. Start issuing tickets instead of Warnings to violators and impound bikes for repeat offenders.
ReplyTheir should not be any bikes allowed on and roadway that does not have a designated bike lane or at least some shoulder space! It is dangerous irritating, problematic and they should not have any right, they dont pay any road tax, gas taxes, nothing! Totailly backwards!
ReplyYes. I bike but have seen a trend in riders ignoring traffic laws and safety rules. More & more the "elitist" mentality of riders, who seem to think laws don't apply to them. This is being exasperated w/new riders jumping into the e-bike craze!
ReplySafety measure just like for motercycles