Did Mueller's testimony change your opinion of the Russia probe?
Yes, a bit..
Not at all..
The time has come for the other side of the coin to be investigated. Hillary's uranium deal with Russia, the Clinton Foundation and her emails as they relate to Russian influence on the election..
Reply ReplyI didn't know how bad the conspiracy theories were getting. Maybe the Russians are the ones egging on the Area 51 raid too who knows
The Obama administration collaborated with Clinton and the DNC to bring down Trump. This is a fact and will be brought to light in due course.
Reply ReplyIt did not change my opinion, it did expose the corruption of the democrats for all to see, that in itself was a resounding success! This has been nothing more than an attempted coup!
Reply ReplyThe Democrats need to let this dead horse die and spend their time and OUR money on things to improve our failing nation.
Reply ReplyTrump was found not guilty of collusion, period. The Democrats will not accept that and are dragging this on and on and on. All political moves and wasting taxpayers money.
Reply ReplyWrong. Mueller couldn’t prove Trump’s team conspired with the Russian government. Probably because of all the lying and obstructing. OTOH, Trump would have been indicted if he weren’t president.
I already knew Trump committed multiple acts of obstruction. Didn’t learn anything new.
Reply ReplyThere wasn't and isn't, a doubt in my mind that Trump engaged in collusion and then did all he could to impede a legal investigation. Trump has betrayed his country and mocked the oath he took.
Reply ReplyThe president is an embarrassment to our country. I wish the testimonies today could have been more clear but I respect Mr Mueller and he said all he could. Now it's up to Congress!!
Reply ReplyIt was obvious today even the chief investigator didn't know what his investigation was about. I mean really, except an attempt to take down the President. We are so much better off under Trump as Pre
Reply ReplyHe gave his press conference months ago, and AG Barr summarized it. Further testimony was a waste of time from the beginning. Grandstanding on pols part!
Reply ReplyIt pointed out that 45 is guilty of obstruction of justice and this was NOT a Witch hunt!
Reply ReplySad case of, I can't answer that! It was a sad day for him! Stop this craziness😞😧
Reply ReplyAlways been a witch hunt! And (Merkley, ..your an idiot. ) The crooked demonrats dislike our President due to he stops they're money-grabbing ! And President Trump is destroying the NWO, Thank God!
Reply Reply
Two things standout. First, is that our democracy is currently under attack and that it has never subsided; Second, is that Trump could/should be brought up on obstruction after he leaves office.