Are you worried about kids not wearing masks in school?
Yes, I'm concerned!
No, I'm not concerned!
The science has consistently been clear that this virus does not impact kids. Let them breathe, smile, and experience a healthy, normal life again.
Reply ReplyStanford study. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses.
Reply Reply2 in 1 million are at risk for severe disease. That is certainly less than the amount of depression, anxiety or suicides alone. The collateral damage has been devastating.
Reply ReplyIt has been medically proven that long term mask usage is harmful to your immune system, which if overprotected can stop functioning correctly. Not to mention the physiological problems they create.
Reply ReplyMasking our children, who are breathing their damaging expelled bacteria and Co2 for eight + hours a day five days a week, is NOT okay! I know public Schools are being incentivized with money from our Governmen Public tax dollars. There is a huge conflict of interest there! Freedom of choice!
Reply ReplyDiscipline and technique of mask wearing among the general populous is not effective. This is evident by the omicron surge which occurred during a mask mandate. I feel that the social alienation caused by obscuring peoples faces outweigh the marginal benefits of poorly worn masks.
Reply ReplyNo. Masks are not that effective and more of a control tool of the Left. Yes, I wear a mask but it is so I don't get hassled.
Reply ReplyWhy would anyone be worried? This is Omicron, the kids are under effectively zero threat by it, and if one is worried about no masks, that person would have to be completely clueless about the science, which shows that the masks are doing nothing to stop omicron
Reply ReplyCB, your stats are false. There is ZERO support for a claim of 1,000 kids dying FROM COVID. Johns Hopkins: a research team reviewed about 48,000 cases of children under 18 reported to have COVID last year... “Our report found a mortality rate of 0% among children without a [PEC]
We need to build our immune systems. This is how we fight viruses. Get healthy. Yes some will get a little sick. Yes some will get a lot sick. This is how it has always been through life. We need to see each other’s smiles and beauty. 🥰
Reply ReplyIt’s been i we three years these kids and all people deserve to have they’re lives back. I am not concerned with this at all. I wanna see kids happy and smiling again and willing to learn not regret going because of something out government created for control aspects. Freedom of choice!
Reply ReplyMasks don't do anything for covid, scientifically speaking. They never have.
Reply ReplyAbsolutely not I was a teacher's assistant in k through 5 and children have passed around colds ,flu, lice Even MRSA , and so much more . And no one req mask or ECT. And most of the time we weren't even informed unless we caught it. So parents teachers etc.calm down it will always b something!!
Reply Reply
But, not as much as previously, now that the virus appears to be waning. And kids, by and large, do not get seriously ill if they do catch it. I think common sense should reign, and continue spacing. And abide by CDC recos if the virus returns.
ReplyIt will bring the pandemic back to higher numbers of I'll and dying. The kids wearing masks because they have responsible, caring adult parents will be bullied by the mask less kids who have childish parents acting like 2 year olds having tantrums
ReplyThe masks are proven to work against spreading the virus. I am also concerned about the School Board overreaching and bending to the anti-maskers. Would these same people who claim masks don't work want their surgeon to show up for a procedure without a mask?
ReplyBecause the vaccinated rate is so low and hospitals are full