Are you worried about a spike in COVID-19 cases after reopening?
Yes, so worried!
No, we have to deal.
As i typically practice universal precautions every day of the year, and rarely get sick, I will proceed in the same manner. If people are compromised, they should never go out. Never.
Reply ReplyMore and more experts are saying this whole thing is a "nothing burger" as far as flu's go. Children rarely get it. Adults have no problem unless underlying conditions. Move on.
Reply ReplyI am not going to let fear run my life. I never did from the beginning and I still wont. This virus will be around just like all the other viruses. Its not going to just go away. Best to accept that.
Reply ReplyI'm an essential worker. I do not know of any essential worker in central oregon that have the virus.
Reply ReplyIt will happen, but if reasonable cautions are used it should minor.
Reply ReplyI do not believe it will end until everyone is exposed or there is a vaccine. It could mutate and become more deadly like the Spanish flu so personally I would rather be infected and get it over with.
Reply ReplyNot too worried as long as we use some sense in opening back up. However the right-wing nitwits who are protesting are not helping matters any.
I have not heard that we have sufficient testing and contact tracing resources. We only have 24 ICU beds at St. Charles Bend. Tourists will bring in the virus from other parts of Oregon.
Replycommon sense!!!!!
ReplyThose who aren’t haven’t been educating themselves about Covid-19. People will come, cases will increase and we will be in worse shape then we started. If lucky enough to survive you are not the same.
ReplyYes, it inevitably will spike when we start congregating again. No way to avoid it unless and until the virus is completly eradicated...which will take much more time than is being considered.
ReplyBecause it's so contagious.
ReplyIt’s too soon!
ReplySHEAR GOVERNMENTAL GOOFBALL IGNORANCE!!! We haven't dealt with this killer long enough to make this decision yet. We'll now see a harrowing reflection on just how UGLY this mutant virus WILL GET!!!
ReplyToo fast, too soon could cause a second and worse spread.