Are you more or less likely to get the covid-19 vaccine now than you were months ago?
I'll most likely get the vaccine.
I am less inclined to get the vaccine.
I think they fast tracked the vaccine. I don't think I will get it because there is so much misinformation that I don't know what to believe.
I think they fast tracked the vaccine. I don't think I will get it because there is so much misinformation that I don't know what to believe.
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Ben Hargis
I wasn't gonna get it before, I'm not gonna get it now, and I'm not gonna get it ever.
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Robert Northrup
I would prefer getting COVID-19 and becoming immune that way. My sister and her husband in their 70's both cancer survivors had it and pulled through fine. As far as after effects, I have had surgeries that took a year of recovery, so what! I'm 78.
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I would have always taken it. You can thank TRUMP for getting it done so soon with the help of many others. But DON'T Give him any credit. I hope its democrats that don't take it.
ReplyI want to live.
ReplyI'm very high risk, I would be first in line!
ReplyMedical professionals and hospital workers will be the 1st vaccinated, so if it's deadly or has any major problems , we're all in big trouble. I will wait a few months, not that I have a choice anyway, but since I have emphysema, it's a necessity. Until then I will stay home.
ReplyI have always planned on taking the vaccine.