Who has the best handles in the NBA?
He makes shots more efficient when dribbling and facilitates at the same time
Reply ReplyBecause he da best shooter, and point guard by far no one match his game. He’s unique and a team leader unlike kyrie. Kyrie just knows wen to use his moves and had perfected them.
Reply Replysmh🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️ dude curry being a leader and“the best shooter” and “no matchup” has nothing to do with why he has better ball handling.you clearly complimented kyrie saying he knows when to perfect his moves
Because Steph Curry can shoot from anywhere on the court and he be cooking 🔥
Reply ReplyIf it was who had the best crossover then my guy AI wins that but this is handled ovr
This is not “who has the best crossover” its who has the best handles so not just a crossover other moves bro😑
Because he’s been a legend to my family and he’s honestly one of the best players in the world.
Reply ReplyKyrie’s handles are amazing but repetitive. His moves are kinda predictable. I’m not saying that I can guard him cause he is amazing. But In my opinion steph has better handles.
Reply Replyi get what your saying but every player has that one move thats their “go to” move and sometimes it’s unstoppable sometimes its not🤷🏾♂️
Kyrie’s handles are amazing but repetitive. His moves are kinda predictable. I’m not saying that I can guard him cause he is amazing. But In my opinion steph has better handles.
Reply ReplyCause he’s just smooth with what he do kyrie does to much curry he just crosses his man and gets the job done 💯
Reply Replyoh fr?😂 lol just “crosses” thats not true curry dribbles on big men cause they are miss matches so it may seem like that but a quicker guard he will not get by with just a simple cross
because curry crossed over 4 players in the same time and shot a deep fade away three on them
Reply Replyokay lol he didn't “cross” 4 players he dribbled through them. Kyrie crossed Kobe, Durant, Harden, and kobe again all in one possession during the USA practice so your point is🤔
He can dribble 4 balls at once dribble a tennis ball like its a basketball and is skilled dribbler with both hands
Reply ReplyDude is curry the only nba player you watch?? EVERY nba player does the tennis ball thing and every point guard in the nba dribbles with TWO balls for better ball control curry isn't the only one kid.
Kyrie’s a creator, and gets places with his moves. With his handles and way underrated athleticism, he can make scoring opportunities like no other. His ability to move in a rhythm fits his mindset.
ReplyDude puts spice x sauce together in his dribbling and most of his appointments in the nba can’t guard him
ReplyPeople say he’s a faster dribbler, which doesn’t make sense to me, if ur a faster dribbler that means ur a better dribbler simple 🤷🏽♂️
ReplyKyrie Irving :Basketball isn’t a game ,it’s an art.You master the fronimentals so you can forget the ,so you can improvise and focus on what really matter.GETTING BUCKETS🏀
ReplyHe best basketball player in the lien
ReplyHe is Unguardable with his handles
Replykyrie can gobble ankles off
ReplyHis handles are tight and he never lose the ball and he just got so much control with it
Replyhe’s the G.O.A.T
ReplyHe’s just goated, he barely loses the ball, he can finish off the dribble, and he makes defenders look silly🤷🏾♂️🏀
ReplyHe’s smooth and smart with his dribbling. You barely see him getting ripped.
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ReplyHe get lower and faster
ReplyBruh Kylie is just a straight best bruh and that’s a fact. The only person in the NBA that comes close is my man AI
ReplyHe dropped Curry
ReplyHe doesn’t get picked. Amazing dribble fatigue.
ReplyHe’s was find trained by Kobe rip kobe
ReplyEvery player has their moments, but not every player has those moments every single game. Curry has good handles but Kyrie goes through 3 people like it’s nothing. I don’t see Curry doing that.
ReplyCurry can’t protect the ball for nun
ReplyHe just is like there’s nothing to explain his handles and his layup packages are the things he’s known for and shooting to so yeaa.
ReplyWatch the NBA or YouTube highlights and you’ll see that all that had to be said
ReplyHe’s the only player that can consistently cross an entire team with no hesitation 💯
Replyhe moves quick and can finish at the rim almost anywhere
ReplyI voted for him because curry could only shoot he only breaks trash people ankles like cp3 Kyrie breaks everyone
ReplyName one person that can lock up kyrie (besides that one time Kobe did it💜💛)
ReplyHe is an amazing finisher and gets to the hole wit ease
ReplyDribbles in traffic to the rim, steph uses screens or dribbles at the perimeter
ReplyHe has t ability to cross up a whole team
ReplyBc dude can really cross anyone in the league and he really hard to stop when he attacking the paint
ReplySteph goes off of screens and makes it look good and kyrie cooks with arguably the best handles in nba history
ReplyBc he’s crossed and broken more people than I can count and can create multiple shots or of his amazing handles which get him open looks and shots and is smart with him moves no hate to steph
ReplyThat's just kyrie a demigod dribbler his size up moving crossover his iq that's a god
ReplyKyrie is uncle drew and no one including steph can handle the drew
ReplyBecause Kyrie did much effort and quickness than Curry.
ReplyHe is smart crafty and etc
ReplyBecause I know how to keep his dribble and he can still get buckets with his dribble
ReplyStephs handles are more for creating space to get off a shot while kyries handles completely break down his defenders for and easier take to the basket getting to the basket is harder than stepping ba
ReplyCurry doesn’t dribble to create his shot most of the time, usually he just runs around screens
ReplyHe’s just way better
ReplyKyrie manipulates his opponents before they even figure out his next move kyrie is too unpredictable
ReplyThe handles can lead him the opportunity to score shoots
ReplyHes a goat curry just can shoot he has some handles
ReplyHe can dirbble really in tight spaces without loosing control and sometimes Steph tries to do to much and looses the ball
ReplyHe’s ah goat
ReplyHe has better hand eye and leg coordination
ReplyHe’s my fav player and he’s so shifty u don’t know which way he will go, he will cross and worse drop u
ReplyBecause hes a better dribbler
ReplyBecause kyrie has more packages and he can do it all lay up shoot whatever he wants
ReplyKyrie has an almost unlimited variety of moves that even if you learn how to guard him he will counter that move with his speed and great ball handling
ReplyBecause all curry can do is shoot
ReplyBecause He my favorite player
ReplyHis handles are unorthodox like we’ve never seen before there is a smoothness to his handles like the ball is literally on a string
Replyhe is more officiant more crafty very shifty good vision of the court his change of speed and direction
ReplyHe can’t be guarded and he don’t need screens and his handles super fast
ReplyCause he a goat for dribbler and he the most best lay up god
ReplyFaster handles and has more control. Better footwork also and more specialized
ReplyHe can do everything he can snap ankles he can cross u up and sauce u up
ReplyCause he’s Kyrie Fuking Irving
ReplyBecause he get past anyone and finishes over every body he’s a real giant slayer 💪🏾💪🏾
ReplyHe will make your as drop
ReplyHe will make your as drop
ReplyHe will make your as drop
ReplyYeah Kyrie
ReplyJust watch some tape of him and it will explain why
ReplyI voted him because his foot work is unstoppable and he layup the basketball with both hands👍🏾
ReplyHe's an amazing scorer and can break anybody with his skills and plus it's uncle drew you can't go wrong
ReplyHe’s very quick and can get the defenders off him
ReplyHe can score with his dribble move and they and more effective
ReplyHe’s more of a slasher
ReplyNobody has handles like him when he has the ball he always puts on a show and he’s one of the best finishers.
ReplyHe used a plastic back back in his middle school days to work on his dribbling
Replykyrie is literally goated and last time i checked when they played against each other in the finals i specifically remember kyrie breaking currys ankles and crossing making curry look stupid but
ReplyBECAUSE almost all of the nba stars said kyrie have the best handles in the nba
ReplyWhile curry focuses on his shot and proper form, Kyrie is more flexible almost like a street ball player
ReplyActually It’s Kemba but since these are the two choices i’ll go with Kyrie in real life but Curry in 2k
ReplyHe’sa magician with three ball, from simple to other worldly dribble moves that nobody else has seen yet. The game where he missed the game winning shot in week 1 or 2. Mans did some wild ass move
ReplyHe has way more highlights off breaking and crossing people up
ReplyKyrie can get to the paint with dribbling and steph can’t do that as good
ReplyCurry uses his dribbles to get open. Kylie uses his dribbles up and down the court. I see him doin shit I ain’t never seen curry do.
ReplyKyrie handles better he’s unpredictable he can pass and shoot or drive off his moves but steph can barely finish in the paint like kyrie.
ReplyReason why kyrie has the best handles in the league is because with his dribbling ability he can creat so much space for his shot and fool the defender in so many ways ..
ReplyHe dropped steph to seal the game 7 finals
ReplyKyrie’s more transporting with his moves and they actually get him to a bucket weather it end in a 2 or 3
ReplyKyrie is unstoppable he can’t shoot drive and layup off the dribble
ReplyKyrie is like a playmaking shotcreator because he’s dominate off the dribble and has a good shot selection making him and offensive threat and he has defense for a guy his size no affence. #Kyrie
ReplyHe wows the crowd every game with in & out , behind the back , spin moooooveee . Then a soft FILAAAYYYYYYYY & curry is just a plain out not now 🤣🤣🤣
Replyreally 😂. Did you just ask me to explain why 😂😂😭😭. Cmon next question
Replyhis athleticism is off the charts
Replyhe has so many more moves in his bag than curry
ReplyThe highlights will tell u
ReplyCause Kyrie just shows he has the best handles more than curry
ReplyHe can get pass defenders faster and can change his shot while in the air
ReplyHe is tuff
Replyhe a playmaking shot creator, steph is a play making sharpshooter! Done!
ReplySo crafty creative
ReplyKyrie is more shifty and is better at creating space which helps him score in a numerous amount of ways
ReplyAllen iverson had said he was famous for dribbling because of the crossover and he said kyrie a better dribbler then him
ReplyVery fast handles and he has amazing balk control
ReplyHe way more smooth with it than curry don’t get me wrong curry can handle the ball but kyrie handles better
ReplyJust a monster when it comes to crossovers and curry is more of a shorter
ReplyKyrie has broken down many defenders and finished
ReplyKyrie because he is kyrie
ReplyHe god
ReplyHe’s the best at what he dose curry is a threat from three tho
ReplyThe amount of hard work and time he puts in to the game
ReplyKyrie has quickness’s and footwork along with the creativity on the go along with quick thinking.💯
ReplyBecause he broke almost the whole nba and he crossed curry a lot
Replyit's really not even close...
ReplyHe handed it very we’ll