Commented "how does a 16yo get a gun in commiefornia, one of the most gun "control" states around? this "person" is a criminal(not Yuma High) and as we know criminals don't follow the law."
Commented "why should he be impeached? since 2016, all the DLSCs have done is nothing but go after the current potus...WHAT have they(DLSCs) done for The USA except try to allow ILLEGALS in The USA."
Commented "if the voters f El Centro approve the location(s) of where you may sell it, why not since the selling of this federal ILLEGAL drug is Legal in commiefrnia."
Commented "jail Americans that use ILLEGAL drugs & use the US Military to go after ALL drug cartels in Mexico "IF" the mexican government permits this. remember the cartels WILL attack the USA."
Commented "parents check YOUR children's bags as they're getting the treats and then YOU'LL be able to know where something like this actually came from to warn orther parents of this danger."