Commented "YES-if in middle school/junior high(6th grade) and above. below this age then the parents are to be charged as well as the "child" but in juvenile court vice adult court."
Commented "numerous times in the past China has sent food products to the USA that had foreign(no pun intended) substances in them. time to start buying food products made in the USA."
Commented "why is anyone other that a citizen of The United States of America receiving ANY US federal/state benefits other than unemployment if that person qualifies for it IF that person is in the USA LEGALLY?"
Commented "this "man" had attempted to commit suicide a few weeks back AND he's NOT on suicide watch? if not an "inside job" then a complete failure/incompetence on the jailers/agencies part."
Commented "it has more to do with violence along the mexican side of the border & the hot dry temperatures we have every year at this time adding the increased deportation ILLEGALS by the mexican government"
Commented "the POTUS is nothing but a figure head, the power rests in the hands of congress so nothing will be done on either side of the legislative branches except for them to say "thoughts and prayers.""