Replied "And this from the UM-engineering school latte-sipping laptop liberals who pig out on campus dorm food; taxpayer subsidized slop dorm food I might add. You people need to have your degrees REVOKED!!! Quit screwing up things for everyone else with your “engineering” and “math”"
Replied "Including the likes of you laptop liberals in your coffee shops with your engineering calculators and taxpayer subsidies for sports stadiums at UM. Every UM grad needs to have their degrees revoked and their sorry technical nerd a$$ez thrown in prison, starting with you computer geeks."
Replied "WTF do you laptop liberals and calculator communists at UM care about city budget? You have your lattes, frappes and coffee shops for you to loiter around in, and your Godless alter called UM sports with your taxpayer subsidized stadiums. All of you need to have your degrees revoked!!"
Replied "All of you left wing marxists in Columbia are the reason this state is falling apart, with your roundabouts and stoplights. Keep your University of Missouri computer communists and laptop leftists in Columbia and quit sending them to get jobs elsewhere in the state timing stoplights and such"
Replied "Yet you have no problem with millions of Missouri tax dollars being spent on a new football stadium at the Univeristy of Missouri so you Columbia Mo laptop liberals and calculator communists can worship at the false alter of UM Sports like the faithful little Marxist’s you are "
Commented "Every single laptop liberal and calculator communist who graduated from that disgrace of an “engineering” school, needs to have their degrees revoked and their nerdy a$&es thrown in supermax prison for the rest of their worthless lives."
Replied "Fine. Take the University of Missouri Lions sports programs with them, get them out of Columbia MO and take their left-wing calculator commies with their lattes and laptops with them. "
Replied "You UM engineer school laptop liberals with your calculators and textbooks who spend your weekends at UM sports events need to have your engineer licenses revoked and you people tossed in the slammer for the rest of your lives. People like you are a poison on the real world."
Replied "And this from someone who sung the praises of the UM Columbia sports programs who just announced a $20 Billion overhaul of their football stadium? HYPOCRITE!! You laptop leftists with your fancy engineering school calculators need to be tossed in prison! Quit spreading nonsense to the real world!"