Replied "Like the typical engineering school graduate hypocrite that you are, you sit there and complain about this yet you are an avid supporter of the universities, athletic programs and defend the over educated technical nerds that come from that engineering school there."
Commented "Since this is a college town, start holding the alumni accountable for being the overeducated Computer programming, coffee shop nerds that they are. Find out which state government agency they work for and start filing complaints against Their professional licenses. Start boycotting athletic events"
Replied "Start holding the alumni accountable who use the state taxpayer dollars in the form of their state government salaries to donate and buy tickets to athletic programs of these universities. Revoke their degrees, and find someway of filing criminal charges against them even if you have to make it up."
Commented "They need to revoke the degrees of each and every UM Columbia grad who has an engineering degree starting with the walking dictionary we have in my hometown who times stoplights. That computer geek can do nothing but quote a bunch of state regulations and policy that nobody understands."
Replied "UM athletics is an arm of govt. they do not earn anything. That Univ produces nothing but obnoxious computer geeks who get jobs for state govt agencies like the DOT spending their days synchronizing traffic lights that nobody understands like the asburgers nerd we have in my hometown up here in NWMO"
Replied "so what are you going to do about it? Just sit there and complain online or are you going to actually do something to put a stop to this we are here in my hometown. We are filing complaints against any state employee we can think of who graduated from this university: REVOKE THEIR DEGREES!!!"
Replied "Would you like the name and number of a state employee who is a graduate of this university? Who continues to support this athletic program? Would you join our effort to remove him from state employment for being a UM grad?"
Replied "if you really believe that, what do you propose we do about the alumni and supporters of this university and it’s athletic programs? are you willing to join our effort to hold these people accountable? Would you be willing to start filing complaints against alumni of this university employers?"
Replied "You engineering school laptop liberals and calculator communists need to be taken out back of the woodshed and given what you people deserve. Quit telling us there’s no money to fix the roads while endorsing and supporting Democrat pork spending like this for a liberal blue city and it’s nerd grads"