Agree with Trump? Should Muslims be banned from entering the US?

America was founded on Freedom for ALL Mankind. There is no where else to run. They want us to build ourselves our own little Prison with a Wall around the country, in the name of SAFETY & Security.
Reply ReplyBecause I believe that we're put us on this Earth not just confined to one country, I believe ALL people should be able to travel and live wherever in the world they want to. I don't believe in borders
Reply ReplyIt is radicals, insane, stupid, angry, Terrorist Muslims. You have your focus on the enemy, and are blinded by your fear. 365 mass murders in 2015, and most where White Males 17 to 30 years old.
Reply ReplyBanning Muslim is unconstitutional - full stop. If you start banning religions - then you should leave the US and start a Nazi colony in Patagonia. Idiots.
Reply ReplyBecause that's racism, propaganda trying to brainwash us into think all Muslims are terrorists.
Reply ReplyI don't. I think we need to close all of our borders to non Americans. North and south. Mexicans, Canadians, Syrians they're calling it right now, a pause.
Reply Reply
Trump is my man. NO MORE political correctness. Just simple honesty. If the truth hurts, so be it.
ReplyAs a temporary measure I think his idea is best considering the origin(?) of most of the acts of terror we've had in this country.
ReplyCoz I know FAR too much about POTUS-IMPOSTOR Ayatollah Bar(f)aQUISLING INsane MAObaMURUNA Say/bin Dung's/Laden's using, among MANY other things, radical Islamist terrorism to destroy the USA for the NWO
Replywe need some time to figure out what the agenda is, why are so many coming here and what are they being offered.
ReplyUntil Homeland Security or the FBI figures out how to properly vet incoming visitors we should close the borders to all Muslims since 99 percent of terrorist attacks R carried out by Muslims
Replybecause we do not know "which" Muslims are "good" and "which" could destroy us...right now, we have allowed too many immigrants into the country without checking their police records or health...
ReplyBecause the "peaceful muslims" aren't doing squat to stand up to the "radical muslims" - making them complicit....
ReplyIt's common sense
ReplyBecause its common sense that jihadists will mix in with the immigrants and create havoc in our country. The only reason the Libs want them here is to swing the votes in their favor! The Libcriminals!
ReplyThe Secret Gihadies must be stopped!!!
ReplyTrump said Ban until the Gov can figure out what is going on. i.e. until they can find a way of properly vetting each refugee. It's common sense if you’re really interested in keeping would be terrorists of this country
ReplyI believe in common sense
ReplyI agree the vetting needs to be tweaked
Replycommon sense
ReplyIslam should NEVER be allowed in the U.S.
ReplyIf any Muslims are actually moderate and NON-violent then WHY aren't they speaking out as US Citizens against the terrorists and support the US? Obviously they are NOT here to be patriotic Americans!
ReplyIt has been proven that @ least 144,000 muslins side w/the Jihadist groups. What more do we need?
ReplyThey are a risk to our security , there is a war going on, take no chances. Islam is not a Religion, it is a movement to own the world.
ReplyI am afraid if being one of the next unnecessary random victims of Isis, and THEY'RE not going to just STOP. WE as Americans need to stop them before more Isis involved individuals continue their B.S.
ReplyBecause its the truth!
ReplyBecause the ideology of islam isn't compatible with the ideology of america. Our values as Americans are based on God given rights and freedoms, not dictatorship.
ReplyMuslims, can't be properly screened. Islam is also a totalitarian political system which is in opposition to democracy. America does not need more immigrants, it hurts the taxpayers and job-seekers.
ReplyBecause they follow sharia law...go to law explained. As well...canada is connected to usa..Alexander was head of getting justin trudeau elected as P.M...
ReplyHé is the best
ReplyMuslims are liars. Their leaders say it is not wrong to lie to non-Muslims. Islam is a government,
ReplyMuslims are terrorists,agenda to take America for Allah!
ReplyIf a 40 year old white male commits a crime, don't go looking for a 20 year old black female. We are under attack from Islamic extremists; therefore, common sense indicates we focus our energy there.
ReplyThey are a subversive culture and potentially dangerous.
Replyit is clear that they are trying to flood muslims into the US to use them as pawns to stage more terror attacks and blame ISIS
Replythe ones that was born here are first not some one that was not.
ReplyIt is the culture they bring with them. Sharia law? Denigrates women, making them second class citizens, not allowed to leave the house without being hidden under a burka. Scary scene and scary future