Who Would Win In a Fight???
Ajay Jones
it's a hard one but I'd say ironman think about it yes batman is a highly intelligent man but it's the same for ironman he makes his own suits and is richer than batman if I remember correctly ontop he's smarter as well iron man is playing 5 3d chess batman 5 regular chess games at the same time
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Skye pie
Batman has way better battle knowledge than tony by a long shot tony jus have a suit that really do everything for him batman has a plan for everything

Everything Nerdy
This one is so tough.. I really want to say Batman.. because I think he's more of a badass and has way better fighting technique, but I think Tony's ingenuity is superior to Bruce's. Tony always finds ways to one up his rivals.
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Batman gets to know his enemies and how to defeat them.
ReplyBatman knows how to prep
ReplyI feel batman would be able to beat out iron man (Tony stark) because ik iron man could go in the air shoot batman with beams and rush him through walls. but batman has a grapple-hook and could make spin around iron man while he's and the air and batman armor is so strong too so I believe batman win
Replyhaven't you guys played Arkham city. he just needs to pull out that tool he uses to turn of guns and Batman wins.