Would you support a $5 billion border wall project?
Yes, build it now!
No, too expensive!
Wasteful and damaging to our international image--which already needs repair. There are better ways, some more expensive, to manage the influx of people. Walls are just not efficient.
Reply ReplyBecause when the wall only covers 800 miles of a more then 2000 mile border what good is that. Money would be spent better on more enforcement officers and high tech devices then a partial wall.
Reply ReplyNot because of cost...because it will not stop anything. If one really wants to be somewhere, they will find a way, hire more border patrol, willing to pay that tab!
Reply ReplyIt will solve nothing and us tax payers should not have to pay for a crazy dudes idea.
Reply ReplyI don't think a President should threaten a shutdown and put American people out of work for something he clearly knows the American people are against. He is just throwing a temper tantrum !!!
Reply ReplyThe way to keep people from fleeing dangerous countries is to make them safe. Train the Dreamers to a high level of combat readiness and send them back into those countries to clean up the killers.
Reply Reply1st century solution to a 21st century problem. Kind of like going back to coal.
Reply ReplyTramp is an idiot and should be concentrating on more important government problems!
Reply Reply
Must protect American people first not illegal immigrants who get welfare ,snap, utilities, rent, and insur just for crossing illegally into the United States not fair to Americans who pay the taxes
ReplyWe really need this wall for our safety and if they want to be here they need to do it the right way.
ReplyUS is not a country if we cannot control our borders; it's not the only solution, but also acts as a strong visual detriment. US spends a bucket of $ on illegals & the cost will be offset by savings
ReplyWe need border security. The Vatican has a wall, Obama has a wall. They do this for security. A nation requires a strong border.
ReplyI support the wall. However a unmaned wall will not fix the problem. There needs to be guard towers with armed guards that are allowed to shot on site.
ReplyWe need the security
ReplyThere are to many illegal immigrants coming into our Country without being vetted. If they don't do it LEGALLY they do not belong here.
ReplyThe wall is for are safety from isis and ms13 and other terrorists
ReplyWe pay too much in feeding and educating people who cross the Southern border. We have no idea of what kind of people cross that border illegally. It is nothing less than an invasion.
ReplyBecause America needs to secure its borders just like other countries do....to keep the riff raff out!!!
ReplyYup we need this to stop the criminals and drug trafficking and people trafficking
ReplyIt’s a simple concept. I’ve been on the border. There needs to be a solid barrier. Will it solve everything ... no. But it’s the first step in the right direction.
ReplyRight thing to do.
ReplyReasons for not building it are too stupid to ponder. Political "statement" seekers like Merkel say security can be adequate without a wall. OK smart guy...why isn't it secure??? Windbag as usual.
ReplyBuild the damn wall and keep our borders secure already this is gettin serious!!
ReplyNothing else is working!!!
ReplyBorder security has been a joke for too many years. Our middle class has been gutted by the supply of cheap, illegal labor.
ReplyWe need the wall to help keep out the constant flow of illegals in to our country! All illegals need to be shipped out of our country. Illegal means illegal period!
ReplyNot my preferred method of border security, but it beats doing nothing more.